I'm sitting here watching Anderson Cooper tell me to be thankful that I'm not in Haiti and to hug a loved one. What happens when your loved one is in Haiti? What happens when one of the most amazing people you have ever met is currently in what has been described as "hell on earth?" It's nighttime so that means that its dark there, pitch dark because there is no power and won't be for the foreseeable future. God only knows where she is sleeping, who is keeping her safe and how she is going to get home. I'm so thankful that she survived the earthquake but the aftermath scares me more. Knowing that my Pretty, Pretty Pickens is sleeping on the streets in the most impoverished country in the Western hemisphere is gut wrenching. I continue to pray, and ask all of you to continue to do so, but continue to question how this is all a part of God's plan. I believe that everything happens for a reason but I cannot process that thought when I think about where she is and why she is there.
Katie went to Haiti on a mission trip, to aid in the hospitals and spread the word of God. Ironically, she is the one who desperately needs aid and we are here praying to God for her safe return. It's almost a sick, cruel and incomprehensible twist of fate and am almost angry at the situation. I continually have to remind myself not to be angry, but put my trust in my faith and stay positive because that is exactly what Katie would do. I have to believe that her infectious smile, smart wits and faith in God will get her through this and safely get her home.
I also feel guilty for praying for her quick departure from Haiti while thousands and thousands of Haitians will continue to live, and die, in these circumstances. We are so fortunate to be Americans and have a place to escape to but the rest will be left behind. Yet another crappy twist is that, she went on this mission to help people and I am praying for her to leave there and return home. The emotions that I am feeling as a Christan, mother and friend all seem to be continually contradicting each other. I feel selfish for praying, hoping and wishing that Katie will quickly return home while the people of Haiti literally have no homes to return to.
As the night progresses, I continue to glance at the moon and find comfort that Katie is probably also looking at the moon. As far fetched as it seems, it brings me comfort to know that we are somehow connected and hope that she finds comfort in that as well.
As your friend, I pray for your close friend's safety and speedy return. I pray she is in good hands and knows the love that is abound. I pray that she looks inward for strength as the world she can see is crumbling around her. Having only met her a couple times, I know why the two of you have such a strong bond. You both continually surprise people with your incredible strength and faith. As your sister, I also pray for you. I pray to give you the strength you need over these next few days, over these next few hours. Hold on tight to your faith.