Friday, April 16, 2010

Tour de Woods

It's official...I have a bike!! This is big news considering I bought (and then later sold) a Burley d'Lite bike trailer without ever using it. Much to Matt's frustration, the reason the trailer was never used was because I didn't buy a bike. My sans bike lifestyle changed the other day when I got a nasty shin splint while running. This led me to purchase my first grown up bike (so long Huffy!) and hit the trails.

Today I went out for a little roll around The Woods and caught myself thinking of how much I've changed since moving from Scranton. It was kind of like a movie playing...families walking, birds chirping, people pushing their yappy little dog in a stroller, etc. So here I am, so proud of my little suburban life and comparing it to how it would been if I never moved. Right as I was about to leap up on to my high horse, Wreckx-n-Effect started blaring Rump Shaker on my iPod and in that instant, I was forever banned from sitting on any high horse. It just goes to show that you can take the girl out of Scranton but can't take the Scranton out of the girl. Who knows, maybe if I get in stellar shape from all my bike riding I can live out my dream as a 90's gangsta rapper? What What!

A quick note that has nothing to do with bikes or 90's rappers, Joshua found a new way to entertain himself. Every day when we pick Jacob up from school, Joshua and I wait about 20 minutes in carline because we like to be early. Bless his heart, he's usually good about waiting and finds creative ways to entertain himself while strapped into his car seat. Today Joshua became a statue. This was accomplished by wrapping the Randalls newspaper ad around his head and sitting as still as possible. One would think that this would cause for some much needed quiet time, but no, Joshua managed to turn himself into a statue that talks. For at least 5 minutes, my Backseat Statue repeated over and over again "I am a statue. Don't touch the statue." Lovely.

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