Saturday, August 1, 2009

I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Wiener

What was supposed to be a mundane morning of running errands turned into a fun filled day for the boys! We went to Market Street early this morning attempting to beat the Saturday crowds but much to the boys excitement, the Peanut Butter and Jamm festival was in full swing! Tents were set up throughout the entire Central Park with plenty a variety of activities for the kids. They made Rice Crispy Treats with the pastry chef from Jaspers, beaded fabulous earrings for their mama, petted a creepy albino bunny at the petting zoo, danced to the live band and learned about robot mechanics while blasting off huge bouncy balls into the crowd and topped off the event with new dinosaur sticker books from the bookstore.

There's only one thing that can top sugary rice crispy treats, petting zoos and dinosaurs stickers and that is the WIENERMOBILE!! We needed to stop at HEB for a newspaper and there it was in all it's bright orange and yellow glory patiently for Law boys! Joshua wanted to take about 15 different pictures with the massive hot dog while Jacob was trying to figure out how to get inside and drive it. I must say, I was a little disappointed that I couldn't buy a hot dog and the folks were singing the Oscar Myer wiener song in Spanish! To the Wienermobiles credit, a table was set up and the boys spun the wheel and were thrilled to win Kool Aid and a tattoo.

That's the thing I love about my boys, they are so simple to please and so thankful with whatever life hands them. They are just as happy to decorate Rice Crispy treats with the chef from Jaspers or listening to the Spanish version of the Oscar Mayer Wiener song!

Deseo que yo fui un weiner de oscar meyer ....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy! Found your adorable blog thru the ELP Parent Volunteer link . . . Just started there with my oldest. Hope to you meet you and yours soon. Your boys are the picture of health (busy, sweaty and plenty of bruises, yours included, to prove life is great)! Amanda
