Monday, February 15, 2010

You're pregnant? Congratulations!!!!

Turns out I'm old. Yup, I said it. I've officially crossed the line of instantly congratulating somebody when they say they are pregnant rather than my old response of "Your parents are going to freak!" I lived this experience today when a 20-something girl in class told me she was pregnant and of course, I bubbled up with excitement and started gushing out my congratulations to her. I quickly learned that she wasn't nearly as enthused as I was as she proceeded to tell me that she isn't excited, her boyfriend is mortified and her parents don't know. The best part was that I heard her refer to me at the "B*tch who is excited about babies" after class in the bathroom.

So there you have it. I'm officially a b*tch who is excited about babies. I wonder why crossing the lines from Oh Crap to Congratulations isn't covered in any of the cognitive stages of development?


  1. Ok, now this is just funny! I guess I'm a b*tch who's excited about babies, too!

  2. woman's excitement is another woman's b*tch. Sounds like she should be in a child development class!
